Thursday, February 17, 2011

how to plan a mural

We are painting two murals right now, one that's fairly small in our studio, and one that's very large in an elementary school. This is how we are doing it. I'm sure there are other ways!

step one: brainstorm with the mural advisory group

Form a Mural Advisory Group that can decide on the theme of the mural. This group should be small, 2-4 people, because too many cooks in the kitchen can result in a very contentious mural-planning process, or a mural that tries to encompass too many ideas. At a school, people in this group can be the principal, interested teachers, and a member of the PTA. In a community setting, this can be highly involved community members and representatives from local businesses, organizations and religious centers. The mural advisory group will meet and discuss the theme for the mural, and any stylistic preferences they might have.

math-art lesson plan: mandalas

Mandalas are a good way to teach about symmetry, concentric circles, diameters and angles. I wrote this lesson plan for next week's "Art in All Dimensions" class (after-school math/art combo).

creating a mandala – lesson plan

tibetan monks creating a mandala. source: a home away