Friday, October 29, 2010

second teen meeting a success

We took our teen meeting yesterday out into the lot next to our building that Jessie spends much of her efforts on. Baltimore is full of empty lots where houses or buildings used to be but were torn down. If you see one and the grass in it is mowed, that means there's a neighbor there who cares enough about the space to maintain it. We've filled ours with sculpture and now Jessie is coordinating the installation of benches and a stone path. There are some mosaic animals that she built and kids mosaic'ed which are mostly finished. There are also a row of birdhouses that kids painted which you might be able to see in the background of the photo. The animals don't have names and they are pretty ambiguous as to what they are but I think Moe is a good name for this one.

Then we talked about planning an event for November. We decided to have a fashion competition where we had a bunch of fabric and cardboard recycled materials, and people have to make an outfit out of it, and then everybody votes on the best outfit. They decided to call it Funny Swag Night. Apparently one of the kids who came to yesterday's meeting produces videos starring his friends, like comedy videos, so we decided that after the competition we could have a video showcase of his and anybody else's videos. They brainstormed all the things we need to do for the event: promotion, music, food, equipment, etc.

The meeting went super well and was way more fun than the previous one. Still need to bring in some kids from other schools.