Wednesday, November 3, 2010

making paper

My 2-5 year old recycled art class (“Trash in the Class”) made paper and it was pretty much the messiest thing ever.

 We ripped newspaper and put it in our blender. We were very fond of the "ICE CRUSH" setting.

The pulp in this tub will be purple pulp! I just used food coloring because we had it and it's safe for little hands.

Some of us definitely needed some help with straining the pulp, but most of us got the hang of it after a couple of attempts. And if not, we helped out by squeezing the sponges dry.

One sheet drying. We ended up with only a few sheets because some of us poked our sheets immediately after laying them down on the tarp. Oh well!

One of the ceramics teachers advised me to let the paper sheets dry on a large piece of felt next time, because it absorbs the water. The finished product was not enough paper to fill our books, but we had a good time and learned about the process, as well as a new way to reuse scrap paper.