Saturday, December 4, 2010

cutest best art show

I've been bad about updating recently because we've been frantically preparing for our Fall Term Celebration, which was today. It went so well. We had an art show in our gallery space, which will be up for about a month, of all the student work from the semester. We also had dance performances from all the dance classes. The Visual Arts teachers had an award ceremony, where we gave out certificates to certain kids. I actually made a different award for each of my 2-5 year olds, so they'd all get one. The awards I gave were: Best Artistic Vocabulary, Best Listener, Teacher's Helper Award, Most Improved Technique, Fearless Artist Award, Artistic Intuition Award, and Creative Energy Award.

The celebration was well-attended, so all of our hard work calling people and advertising in the window and on the sandwich board worked. The kids were very proud of all their work, which was the point after all. The work speaks for itself, so here are a ton of photos.

We have a pretty sweet gallery space that faces the street. I put descriptions of the classes/work so people walking by can see them and want to take a class.

Works from our amazing ceramics classes. We have very dedicated ceramics teachers who spend lots of time firing everything in our kiln.

 Some of my class descriptions, and works below:

You can probably see on the top, but there are lights inside that you can switch on so they'll light up at night. Unfortunately, it has to be pretty dark in order to see them lit. Good nightlights maybe?

 The yarn bowls came out kind of funky but they look awesome when hung up. 

 Here is some work from Jessie's classes:
And some more ceramic shoes:

I realized I forgot to take a picture of my 2-5 y.o.'s recycled books, which came out super well. So I will post one on Monday.