Wednesday, January 19, 2011

bottlecap magnets

Suitable for 2- to 5-year-olds. Or at least, the 2- to -5 year olds in my recycled art class are doing a good job of them.

Step one: Students paint bottlecaps, inside and out. I used this opportunity to teach them about palettes and mixing colors, encouraging them not to use the color that comes right out of the bottle.

Step two: Take pictures of them making 3 or 4 funny faces.

Step three: Size the pictures down to about 1" x 1" square, then print them out.

Step four: Cut out the printed faces and cover them in clear tape or something somewhat water-resistant.

Step five: Tape them inside the bottlecaps and pour clear casting resin inside.

Step six: Wait for the casting resin to dry. When dry, attach a magnet to the back of the bottlecap.

Here are some drying:

You can use the extra ones they painted to have them cut out pictures of animals from magazines and paste them inside, then cover those with casting resin as well.
If you do this with very little kids, you may find that they aren't totally capable of manipulating their facial expressions to make "funny faces," but this makes the photos even cuter.