Monday, January 17, 2011

classes at the library

We stayed busy over a long winter break by hosting workshops at the library with the kids who hang out there after school. One day we had our expert clay teachers join us and made some ceramic jewelry and pins. They used stamps which was cool. I'm pretty inexperienced with clay, so everything they do amazes me. The kids were able to make their pieces and glaze them within an hour and a half. We took them back to the studio, fired them, and brought them back to the library for the kids to pick up. We have been doing a good job of outsourcing our programming, and promoting the heck out of the center, but our first week of classes at the center was this past week and our enrollment doesn't seem to be up at all. Which is okay: we planned fewer visual arts classes in order to focus on hosting regularly weekly classes in two schools through the Spring.

 Planning her work

Pressing stamps

Glazing a piece for a necklace